Surveillance without Borders: The “Traffic Shaping” Loophole and Why It Matters

“Since the disclosures of Edward Snowden in 2013, the U.S. government has assured its citizens that the National Security Agency (NSA) cannot spy on their electronic communications without the approval of a special surveillance judge. Domestic communications, the government says, are protected by statute and the Fourth Amendment. In practice, however, this is no longer strictly true. These protections are real, but they no longer cover as much ground as they did in the past.”  More …

Congressman Dana Rohrbacher: The One Race Where Trump’s Putin Problem Might Hurt the GOP

“Deepening controversy around the Trump campaign’s Russian ties is barely registering in the early stages of competitive congressional races around the country. But if there’s one place where investigations into Moscow’s support for Donald Trump might matter, it’s in Republican Dana Rohrabacher’s California district— the increasingly competitive Orange County seat held by a man who can’t stop defending the Kremlin.”  More …

Selling Insurance Across State Lines: Myth vs. Reality

“Some have suggested that allowing interstate sales of health insurance policies will make coverage more affordable and available. In reality, interstate sales of insurance will allow insurers to choose their regulator, the very dynamic that led to the financial collapse that has left millions of Americans without jobs. It would also make insurance less available, make insurers less accountable, and prevent regulators from assisting consumers in their states. ”  More …

The Russian “Firehose of Falsehood” Propaganda Model: Why It Might Work and Options to Counter It

“The Russian propaganda model is high-volume and multichannel, and it disseminates messages without regard for the truth. It is also rapid, continuous, and repetitive, and it lacks commitment to consistency. Although these techniques would seem to run counter to the received wisdom for successful information campaigns, research in psychology supports many of the most successful aspects of the model. Furthermore, the very factors that make the firehose of falsehood effective also make it difficult to counter. ”  More …