Is the Census Heading for a Crisis?

“The triple gap in Census Bureau leadership, along with a funding shortfall that has already forced the cancellation of multiple field tests, leaves observers worried about an impending crisis in the biggest civic project that Washington regularly undertakes—a population count that has profound effects on American business and politics.”  More …

In the Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement, the Koch Brothers’ Campaign Becomes Overt

” … Voters and big business were arrayed against leaving the climate agreement. Yet despite the majority’s sentiment, a tiny—and until recently, almost faceless—minority somehow prevailed. How this happened is no longer a secret. The answer, as the New York Times reported, on Sunday, is ‘a story of big political money’. It is, perhaps, the most astounding example of influence-buying in modern American political history.”  More …

CEOs Praised for Backing the Paris Accord Also Funded Lobbyists Pushing Trump to Withdraw

“The Chief Executives of Dow Chemical and Corning Inc., among other business leaders, were portrayed in the media as environmental champions for opposing President Donald Trump’s move to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement… Yet both companies back one of the few business groups to openly lobby the Trump administration in support of withdrawing from the plan.”  More …